Beat The Heat With This Fat Pants SECRET Menu Item!

Who doesn't love a secret menu item? Those hidden gems that add a touch of excitement to your dining experience. From the famous "quesorito" at Chipotle to the mouthwatering "animal style" fries at In-n-Out, these off-menu delights have captured the hearts of foodies everywhere. Well, folks, we have a secret menu item of our own at Fat Pants Brewing that's perfect for beating the summer heat! Introducing our signature Stout-Beer Float!

The Beer:

Prepare your taste buds for a tantalizing journey with our signature Love You More stout. This delightful creation is a dessert stout, masterfully brewed with a blend of Challenger and Galena hops. As you take your first sip, you'll be greeted by a full-bodied beer boasting rich flavors of cherry puree and luscious chocolate. The magic doesn't stop there—our Love You More is lovingly served on Nitro, delivering a velvety-smooth and utterly satisfying beer-drinking experience.

The Ice Cream:

Now, picture this: a scoop of classic vanilla soft serve—creamy, dreamy, and utterly irresistible. At Fat Pants Brewing, we take immense pride in offering our own vanilla soft serve, the perfect partner for our Love You More stout. When combined, the result is a symphony of flavors that dance across your palate. The stout's boldness beautifully complements the sweet, velvety vanilla ice cream, creating a sensational summer treat that's guaranteed to cool you off in the most delightful way.

This summer, don't miss out on the opportunity to beat the heat at Fat Pants Brewing with our delectable secret menu item—the Love You More Stout-Beer Float! With its unique combination of flavors and refreshing qualities, this float is the perfect remedy for scorching days. So, gather your friends and family, and let's toast to a summer filled with moments of pure enjoyment at Fat Pants Brewing. We can't wait to welcome and share this extraordinary secret with you all! Cheers to beating the heat together!